La Parada Market, Lima. Street kids
Rights & RealitiesCollection: Rights and Realities
In the ’90s, this informal market place in the centre of Lima was considered very dangerous with a high incidence of crime. It was congested with street vendors. Many street kids hung out here.
La Parada Market, Lima. Street vendor
Rights & RealitiesCollection: Rights and Realities
In the ’90s, this informal market place in the centre of Lima was considered very dangerous with a high incidence of crime. It was congested with street vendors. Many street kids hung out here.
Villa El Salvador. Saturday afternoon
Rights & RealitiesCollection: Rights and Realities
Villa El Salvador began in 1971 as a pueblo joven (shantytown) in the vast, empty sand flats to the south of Lima because of the urgent housing needs of immigrant families who had left the sierra of…
Puppet Theater
Rights & RealitiesCollection: Rights and Realities
Puppet theatre is a means to reach children and inform them of their rights. The troupe is preparing a procession through a neighbourhood to gather, entertain and inform children.
Rights & RealitiesCollection: Rights and Realities
Marchas de Sacrifició. About 200 miners and their families have been squatting behind the Casa de los Mineros in Lima for two years. Left with no compensation and often owed many months of wages, they’re…
Radio Villa El Salvador
Rights & RealitiesCollection: Rights and Realities
Nellie interviews residents on the problem of garbage for the daily radio program “Buenas Dias Familias” for the community radio station Sterio Villa of Villa El Salvador.
Rights & RealitiesCollection: Rights and Realities
This enterprising woman learnt her trade by watching her husband. She set up a kiosk on a street in Lima and now runs her small shoe repair business.
Rights & RealitiesCollection: Rights and Realities
PRODEMU (Promoción y Defensa de la Mujer), a women’s organization based in Tarapoto, a city in the Peruvian jungle, works with communities for social and economic rights of women, children and families,…
Rights & RealitiesCollection: Rights and Realities
Flowers for the government representative who will be distributing the food.
Rights & RealitiesAyacucho
Collection: Rights and Realities
Ayacucho was the area most affected by the 14 year-long war. Six thousand families were displaced because of the terrorism and the violence of the Shining Path and the Peruvian military. Women…